Sergey V. Popov


I'm currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Cardiff Business School. I am working mostly in the fields of applied micro and econometrics, I invent models, quantify their predictions and test their consistency with the data. My most recent CV is here.

Research supervision: I am eager to supervise PhD students in many topics (from international trade to social choice to corruption to mechanism design), but my specialty is in applied micro theory. If you have a research idea, write to me, I try to reply to all the emails I get.

News and Plans

Current Research (more)

Propensity to Collaborate


With Arkady Konovalov and Daniil Luzyanin.

We document a propensity to collaborate: experiment participants in a global game choose to collaborate even if it is not more beneficial than abstaining. This contrasts with the literature documenting insufficient collaboration and does not seem to be explainable by favorable labels for actions, collusion, k-level reasoning, or misplaced optimism about others’ actions. The only surviving explanation is for the others-regarding preferences. Presented at:

Same Sex Marriage, The Great Equalizer

With Aleksey Parakhonyak. Full text.

We demonstrate the abundance of asymmetric equilibria in a standard marriage market model, when agents must only engage in heterosexual marriage: agents of different gender are not guaranteed to have the same payoff even under equal opportunities, even if all other factors, such as own type or the distribution of partner types, are same across genders. Then we allow for same-sex marriage, and we demonstrate that under equal opportunities, when genders are symmetrical, only symmetric equilibria survive. Presented at: